Facebook’s dilemma 

Facebook has disputed the article by the technology site Gizmodo that accused Facebook was suppressing right-wing leaning new stories and trending topics. They have reached out to conservative political insiders such as GOP campaign coordinator Barry Bennett to repair the social network’s image with the right. Meetings with other leading conservatives have followed. Facebook CEO used the opportunity to demonstrate the technical workings of Facebook’s trending feature. 

Facebook is facing the pitfalls of moving from being a social network with a mainly young demographic to bring a news organization. In many ways Facebook has become the voice and the mirror of the Internet. It is to expected that Americas fraught political climate would intrude into Facebook’s relatively insulated web based youthful style. America’s conservative voices though dominant politically feel themselves besieged and beleaguered in a changing America and have begun to view the young mostly liberal Silicon Valley crowd with suspicion and wariness. There was a time when the American conservative movement could find reliable allies among America’s big business elite, this is no longer so and they know it.

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